As it is an established fact that for corporate employees to meet up with daily survival, transportation to and from place of work has become a crucial tool to achieving this. A careful study of Lagos state industrial estate and environmental set up shows that there is a high concentration of companies on the Island than on the mainland up to about 70% of the total companies existing and operating in the state.

A research study has also revealed that no fewer than 2 million corporate employees move from the mainland (place of residence) to the Island every work day (Monday-Friday). They all go through unprecedented stress due to poor and rigorous transport system they struggle with every work day. Majority of them have ended up with complicated health issues due to inability to continuously cope with the terrible transport conditions. This has become an age-long problem that has since been begging for solution.

It is in an attempt to permanently proffer solution to the above that we have come up with this transport package called DailyTrans Corporate Commuters Package (DCCP). This transport service arrangement is designed to provide the best and most conducive, convenient and affordable transport service to corporate employees in Lagos.

This transport package makes use of a fully air-conditioned executive bus to convey corporate employees from their residential corridors to the work place corridors using the Proximity Cluster Mapping and Routing Application.

We believe that it is only a healthy employee that can continually patronize transport service. This is why the continuous wellness of our prospective clients becomes a burden and concern to us. Therefore, we have come to a logical and reasonable conclusion that both transportation and health are two mutually exclusive phenomenon.

Transportation needs good health to thrive and good health as well requires transportation to be maintained and sustained, both are unavoidably required by corporate employees for life sustainability.  

Therefore, as a transport company currently focusing more on people movement, we are already partnering with a well-established Health service provider to keep our business running into the foreseeable future by supporting subscribers to this package with good health wellness services.

The strategic plan on this is to make varieties of health checks available to our customers every six month period, the cost of which will be primarily burn by us to the maximum benefits of subscribers or their benefactors as this is made flexible for family/relatives to benefit.

Therefore, Companies can register their staff on this transportation service package. This helps in relieving the headache of the skyrocketed cost of transportation and fuelling of cars due to the crazy fuel price from subsidy removal

Companies will only pay for space on the bus occupied by their staff, with this two or more companies can have their staff on same bus thus sharing the cost rather than paying for full bus while it is not occupied to full capacity.


  • A fully air-conditioned executive coaster bus with a professionally well cultured driver and a business executive officer to assist clients on board,
  • Daily and timely pick up of staff for drop off at office location, and pick up from office location after work back to residence, Mondays through Fridays,
  • Free internet facility for everyone on board to connect for both official, social and other pleasurable purposes while on the trip to and from work,
  • Monthly payment of transport service bill through employee’s employer PAYMENT option via CEPEM Form A (easy and stress-free payment term),
  • Safety of personal items if left in bus by clients as our loyal Business Executive Officer on board the bus ensures such items are safely kept and returned,
  • Security of lives as every person on board is well profiled and are all corporate/professional personnel,
  • Social interactions of all esteemed clients on board for business and other relationship benefits,
  • Access to free medical checks at diagnostic center within client’s locality through our partnered health providing Company (LifePro HealthCare Ltd) every six months of subscription to the transport service.
  • Flexible medical checks scheme extendable to aged parents or other relatives with opportunity to connect with a medical consultant online via DOKTORCONNECT and lots more.

To subscribe to this Unique transport service? Sign Up and you’re on the journey to a stress-free daily commute to work.

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